Temba Fusrodah
Ganksters Inc Drake Ashigaru
Posted - 2013.10.05 16:17:00 -
[1] - Quote
Aridia Region - Leseaesh Constellation The Esubara System - Planet I, Moon 15 Ministry of War Bureau Offices Distribution Division
The cargo containers looked completely innocuous, they exactly matched the balance of the rest that constituted the total shipment bound for transfer to the Imperial Navy, complete with the signature and seal of Nutzcha Fodathez, the distribution agent working on the station, the forgery was flawless. The Imperial Navy had a series of routine joint training and patrol exercises scheduled with the Royal Khanid Navy, these events always involved superbly catered command staff dinners and luncheons hosted by the Imperial Navy, and the containers were filled with some of the finest delicacies available in the Empire. Nutzcha Fodathez was a very busy man, this region of space had a heavy capsuleer presence and the Imperial Navy needed constant provisioning to attempt to keep the law breaking immortal pilots under close supervision, Esubara, was a mere eight jump gates away from both the Amarr Empire/ Khanid Kingdom border and the Amarr Empire/ Goonswarm Federation border which meant there was never really any down time, all things being in order he approved the transfer of the shipment to the Imperial Navy without a second thought.
Aldus Shutaq was now a midlevel manager who prior to the ascension to the Imperial Throne by Jamyl Sarum had run the Ministry of War Bureau Offices on Esubara I, Moon 15 station her reorganization of the Imperial Navy had deposed or demoted many civilian bureaucrats and replaced them with Naval Officers, his 35 years of exemplary service was cast aside without a moments notice, the fact that Nutzcha Fodathez liked him was the only thing that kept him employed on the station at all. Aldus Shutaq was no longer a happy Imperial citizen, he felt personally betrayed by the new Empress, and it ate at his self esteem and dignity to be employed in a manner he had performed as an entry level middle manager 30 years ago. He was no longer a young man and much of the work was back breaking, with every grunt and spike of pain that wracked his aging body he inwardly cursed the Empress for doing this to him, but he had another 15 years until he could collect his now diminished retirement pay, being a civil bureaucrat had never promised to make him wealthy but he always thought he'd have a comfortable retirement, but Jamyl Sarum had changed the calculus and the real chance of being an impoverished commoner loomed in his future.
As the former administrator of Esubara I, Moon 15 Ministry of War Bureau station he knew who the local smugglers were, and who was known and not known as a smuggler to the Imperial Navy Officer that now ran things on his station, so now and again he accepted small stipends to expedite things through processing, once in a while he accepted larger amounts to move things through that should not be examined too closely at all, and for the right amount of isk deposited in his secret retirement account you could purchase unsupervised access to normally highly secured areas. Aldus Shutaq new that drug smugglers found military cargo the best way to move their goods to market because Concord's ships were not allowed to detain or search any Navy vessel from any Empire passing through customs, it was a risk allowing access to a highly secured Navy shipment but only a complete fool would try to steal something, those with the isk to purchase this kind of access were too smart for that, they only wanted an impervious unnoticed mule. So as the balance in his secret retirement account increased significantly he knew his personal future was on a path once again towards the comfortable retirement he had rightfully earned through years of dedicated service, in fact early retirement was now obtainable. As he was often prone to do when a large deal closed successfully he asked himself the question just how well off might he had been if he had taken this path of accommodation with smugglers when he had run the station? A half smile found a home on his face as he realized he could do nothing to change the past, if he had that capacity Jamyl Sarum would not be his Empress, he had to content himself with securing his future, that was something he could and would continue to do.

Temba Fusrodah
Ganksters Inc Drake Ashigaru
Posted - 2013.10.05 16:19:00 -
[2] - Quote
The Forge Region - Kimotoro Constellation The Jita System - Planet IV, Moon IV Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
Ray Mitar scrolled through the report on the implementation of GÇ£Project Fruit FlyGÇ¥, the introduction of the viral nanites into the food supply bound for both the Khanid Royal Navy and the Amarr Imperial Navy had gone according to plan and undetected, the midlevel manager who had facilitated the smooth shipment to the Imperial Navy suffered a fatal accident hours after the shipment left Esubara station, crushed beneath a fallen cargo container, his secret accounts had been swept clean of all isk to permanently seal the trail. Ray felt a tinge of remorse, he had worked through intermediaries with Aldus Shutaq successfully for a number of months, it was a small ***** in the Imperial Armor that he would miss exploiting, he now sealed it for the greater good. The Amarr Imperial Navy would never realize they had been breached, and the nanites would have years to perform their hideous tasks. The nanites were pathogenic genetic mutators, they would subtly reorder the dna codes that controlled reproduction in the offspring of the infected, the male children would be sterile and the female children would be born carriers of the infection that they would spread through intimate contact and exchange of bodily fluids, as could the initially infected. After successfully implanting a multigenerational epidemic that could go undiscovered for decades the nanites would dissolve and be forever undetectable as the agents of initial transmission.
Condemning unborn generations to sterility and disease seemed harsh even to a hardened scientist Freedom Fighter like Ray, but the exponential growth of the Amarr Empire's population needed to been reduced. Analysis had projected based on known Imperial Navy deployment patterns that the GÇ£Project Fruit FlyGÇ¥ initial infected carriers could reasonably be expected to visit upwards of 47% of the major population centers of the Amarr Empire during any two years of their tours of duty. For the career command officers the numbers were far better, with a one tenth of one percent possibility they might someday engage in intercourse with a member of one of the Amarr heirs family members. With many of them clinging to the tradition of sacred flesh and not being cloned it greatly increased their susceptibility to the infection.
The Multigenerational Erosive Genetic Assembler Virus is based upon the known capacity of the Jovian Disease, but manipulated into a communicable pathogen with non fatal results for the carrier /infected individual, MEGA Virus was created in the laboratories of Ray Mitar a highly gifted genius geneticist right in the Jita IV, Moon IV, Caldari Navy Assembly Plant station, which kept it completely secure from Amarrian intelligence operatives. All capsuleers valued and needed air tight security so the fortified labs of Ray Mitar never raised an eyebrow. Ray made sure no one in his corp or his alliance ever incurred a negative security status with the Caldari government, and in fact spent at least a quarter of their time improving and upgrading their status with at least one Caldari corp or government entity.
Ray Mitar had spent years quietly tracking down all accounts of the Jovian introduction of capsule technology to the Caldari and every bit of medical data known about the Jove and the Jovian disease. Because of the obvious incendiary nature of this line of research Ray was careful to never inform or involve anyone connected to The Minmatar Republic, this was solely a criminal enterprise undertaken by his corp. He had concurrently developed a vaccine against the MEGA Virus which he felt was a reasonable safeguard should the virus spread beyond the targeted Amarr and Khanid populations. Mega Virus had been loosed, he now had only to monitor as best he could the deployments of the fleets that took part in the joint training and patrol exercises to update his computer modules of its projected spread and wait. |